Disease-fungal diseases-stop (athlete's foot) and nail on the feet (onychomycosis) provides a person with a great deal of hassle. In addition to the unpleasant appearance, the pathology of a destructive affect on the immune system of a person. How to cure nail fungus on feet at home, the popular media, you'll need to know all the all the medical therapies do not always give a positive effect.

What is nail fungus
Onychomycosis refers to an infectious disease. The first sign of mold growth – a slight change in the color of the nail plate. At a time of a healthy nail in a pale pink hue, the humans begin to grow dull or yellow. Most of the fungus that affects the fingers and thumbs on their feet, but if it does not heal, it will quickly spoil all of the nail plate. Because the patient is in the nail it becomes a paste, which is constantly breaks down and falls apart. The fall of the particles, which are the source of the infection is onychomycosis, the people around them.
How to treat nail fungus on feet
As shown in the practice of medicine, for the quick cure of nail fungus, it is necessary for the problem that is addressed in a comprehensive manner. For effective healing, the use of antifungal medicines which cleanse the causative agent of an infectious disease. Because the fungus multiplies it-if the spores are persistent in the sprout area of the nail that is long, long dead, are sure to be able to be destroyed.
The growth of the toenail dispute turned on, causing the infection process, and therefore, the therapy of anti-fungal medicines, and it usually lasts a long time. To advanced techniques for the treatment of onychomycosis include the following:
- the purchase of a drug against a fungus of the system;
- the treatment of the dead, the nail plate and tissues surrounding it to local media (paste, varnish, gel);
- the reception of the medicines improving in the peripheral tissues of the limbs of the circulation of the blood.
- all courses in physical therapy in order to improve the blood circulation in the legs;
- home remedies that help cure the infection.
Antifungal agents
How to cure nail fungus on your feet, you need to know that, after all, you don't always have the opportunity to consult with your doctor. The therapy includes the use of anti-fungal medicines in and medicines, which are applied directly to the nail. Creams, gels, varnish, and against fungi, they contribute to the destruction of the infection of the fungus on the nail platinum, with the result that the risk of re-infection and spreading onychomycosis. The implementation of the local area and the antifungal therapy is considered to be mandatory, and the rest of the processing is done at will.

Ointment, anti-fungal
As soon as the first symptoms of the disease, in the fight against fungus on the nails of the feet, the help of the ointment. The main purpose of the use, the location of the drugs to destroy the molds, and yeast-mushrooms which are on the surface of the nail plate.
The treatment of the nails, and the legs of the medicines, the system of action is made up of multiple antifungal medications. The pill is the fast to cure the infection and stop the reproduction of the fungus in the cells, which leads to their death.
Effective therapy fungal injury to the nail plate, is carried out with special tongs. The main advantage of this antifungal, the tool is highly efficient because it is contrary to the bulk of the paste, the faster it penetrates to the inside of a nail plate, thus destroying the spores of the fungus. The only drawback to using the tools of the high price tag.
Antifungal cream has the tools to be applied in the outside of the ointments are much easier to cycle. Less, to obtain a counter play for a low-productivity, regardless of their make-up.
The treatment for fungus toenail in the house
There are a lot of recipes that help to fight the nail fungus at home. The many uses of soap, in order to quickly heal your fungus is, therefore, in its composition enter the substances, which are aimed at soothing against inflammation and against bacterial. - To remove onychomycosis, every day, you need to deal with the dead from the infection of the nails, of the sponge, which is pre-grate economic good water and a mild soap. The exposure time is 15 minutes. The loosening of the nail-plate that is long enough. Once infected, the nails and the layers of the skin, to a maximum of the cut-off.
It is effective against onychomycosis and oil of a tree of tea. It contains a substance providing an anti-inflammatory and anti-septic action. The most effective way of treating warm baths to the feet. For this reason, the taz must pour out the water (45-50 degrees), then add 20 drops of tea tree oil, omit, on there legs, ankles, and steam for about 15 minutes. Then wipe it clean with a damp cloth and, using a pair of scissors and a nail file to remove the rust from the target nail plate. You have to do the treatments every day until the elimination of the fungus.
Folk remedies for the nail fungus on your feet
Grandmother's recipes, even in our time, has come to a very large number. By far the most effective treatment for nail fungus is the same name of ways:
- Tincture of celandine. To prepare it, you should be fresh from the plant, wash them, dry, cover it with rubbing alcohol or vodka at a ratio of 1:2. The dye is now ready for the application of up to 2 weeks. It is used for trays, pads, handle of the door.
- To a solution of propolis. It is sold in pharmacies. It helps to heal, even with the implementation of a fungus. It should be applied on the ball of cotton and apply it to the corrupted one nail in the evening, and then from the top to the put on the socks. The components of the dyes can contribute to a better penetration of the honey by hand, by exerting an anti-inflammatory action.

The struggle with onychomycosis is effectively carried out with the help of a tincture of iodine. His cause of action against the pathogen infection is based on the coagulation of their proteins, which leads to the destruction of the cells of the pathogen. The easiest way to apply a drop of iodine (tincture of) for a day on the affected area. Judging by the comments of the people, and the fungus that it disappears very, very quickly. In terms of the prevention of the nail platinum, iodine carried over to the day.
In the opinion of the professionals who deal with onychomycosis, a of the most effective methods for the removal of the disease is the use of garlic. It can be used as the mono version, while with the other substances. Application of this spicy plant:
- each and every day to deal with the affected area, the juice of the natural fruit, of garlic;
- put it on the night of the infected the place with garlic in a tie ties, badge, band-aid;
- do this every day, the therapeutic compress of a mixture of 1 grated, based on garlic,the 1. h. l., to salt to taste.
The high efficiency in the treatment of onychomycosis have an acetic acid bath. The essence that creates the inside of the nail plate the acid on Wednesday, the microbes will not multiply and grow. Thanks to the foregoing, it is possible to quickly get rid of them. On the first appearance of symptoms of infection, you should pour it into a bowl of warm water (50 degrees), then add to home apple cider vinegar from the calculation of the 3 St's. in l. flower essences for 1 liter of water. Take the tray out every day for about 15 minutes. Prior to the procedure, it is necessary to remove the lima, the whole of the Horny layer.
The hydrogen peroxide
Dermatologists recommend that treatment of onychomycosis using hydrogen peroxide. However, before applying them you need to steam the foot in a solution of caustic soda (1 quart water, 1. h. l., bicarbonate of soda). After that, it is a disc about the size of an impacted plate) soak in the hydrogen peroxide, and then attach the corrupted stage. The healing will go more quickly, in addition to this a few drops from a medicinal fluid to flow to the inside of the cavity of the nail 2-3 times a day.
The address forStEgyptlth nail fungus on your feet
In addition to the above methods to cure forStEgyptlth onychomycosis the help of the kombucha tea. Prior to the application of the foot and need to get the steam wipe clean with a dry cloth. From the total of the pre-separated with a very thin layer, that is, within a time to relieve themselves in the water. After a slice is cut and is applied at night to the infected nail. In the morning the pad is removed, and the pieces are cut, and the hand is washed with a solution of manganese. This way, the application of fir oil. NamohYves it watu, to keep the studs and the plate to 40 minutes, after which the swab is to be removed, and dry your feet.
The surgical procedure
To remove a nail that is the most painful method of eliminating onychomycosis. Although the operation is always the fastest and most effective results, but the risk of developing complications, such as limpudent, abscess of the finger, the osteomyelitis. The first nail to treat it with anti-septic, and then to impose on the wiring harness, and a local anesthetic. Nail plate is removed using surgical procedures. Check the bed, clean the tissues are destroyed, it is treated with iodine, and then closes the association with the anti-septic cream.

The laser treatment
As a player you will be able to cure your nail fungus in the feet, and if the medication does not help – this is a question people ask a doctor after a couple of weeks ago, antifungal drug therapy. Is there a way for a fast and efficient method for the elimination of onychomycosis with laser equipment. To remove the fungus and help in the penetration of the near-infrared spectrum and the depth of the nail plate. When you do this, the anesthesia is not necessary, since the procedure is pain-free. In the process of removal of the victim from a nail is not that complicated.
- one day prior to the day of the procedure for the steam, the legs, the maximum amount of cut on the surface of the contaminated nail plate;
- prior to the start of the treatment, the patient will use the safety glasses;
- the finger is dealing with a special gel;
- this is done with the laser equipment, and after the gel is removed;
- to gain access to nequaloficialbnom training may be complications such as scarring, and burning in the area of influence of the laser on the machine.